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Friday, 5 July 2019

Celebrate 50 Years Since Woodstock with Drillstock @ Lincoln Drill Hall 17 Aug 2019

Drillstock August 17th at Lincoln Drill Hall

Lincoln Drill Hall will be holding a charity event to mark the 50th anniversary of the Woodstock Festival from 12 to 3 pm on Saturday 17th August in the Drill Hall Cafe/Bar. Admission is free but collection buckets will be located at the front of the stage and near the Box Office. All of the donations collected will go to Lincoln Arts Trust towards the work that L.D.H does with young people. There will also be a raffle with the proceeds going to the same cause.
Local acts will be performing 20 minute sets of songs by acts that appeared at the original Woodstock or at least songs that relate to the contemporary music of the period.

Everybody will be invited to wear sixties/seventies clothing if they so choose. There might even be a bottle of Aldi cheap white California wine for the person judged to wear the best outfit.

The acts performing are...
Keith Luckey - Country, Roots and Oldies
Lynn McFarland - Americana, Folk & Roots
Nigel and Teri - Folk Music Duo
Cover Up - Student Based Local Covers Band
No Eye Deer - Various Acoustic Covers
Pressure Drop - Reggae, Ska and Down Home Roots
Strummin’ Steve Jackson - Folk, Country & Originals

Lincoln Drill Hall, Freeschool Lane, Lincoln. LN2 1EY.