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Monday, 5 June 2023

Oundle Fringe Festival 2nd to 15th July, 2023

Oundle Fringe Festival 2nd to 15th July, 2023

Fringe week sees Oundle thronged with entertainers of all genres in the town’s pubs, hotels, cafes and streets. You will find anything from tribute bands to poetry readings, the blues to thumping rock, the gentle sounds of classical French Parisian café music, swirling, kicking, tapping, clicking dance teams, comedy performances and maybe the odd Shakespearian ode or two drifting about the town. Whether you are an interested performer or wish to attend keep an eye on our website and our Facebook page for updates. Look forward to seeing you in July - you will be entertained!

Most Fringe performances are free but selected events are paid for and ticketed. To book tickets visit our Ticket Source page


Oundle Fringe Festival – A Week of Music & Performance in July

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