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Showing posts with label Bar Napkins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bar Napkins. Show all posts

Monday 8 March 2021

Kings of Leon Say That Their Songs Start on Bar Napkins

Twenty years ago, long before Kings of Leon became festival headliners, Caleb Followill made
a deal with one of his friends.

"He and I used to go to random bars, all over the world," says the singer. "Wherever we were, if we had a day off, we'd put our finger on a map and go, 'Alright, we're going to go to this little dive bar'. "And we would sit there and get some bar napkins. I would write poetry and he would draw pictures. And we would trade 'em off to each other and say, 'Alright, whichever one of us is going to be famous first, you own my lyrics - and likewise I own your art'."

Needless to say, his friend got the better end of the bargain. A signed copy of Caleb's lyrics for Use Somebody recently sold for $6,600 (£4,800) at auction - so those wine-stained poems could be a lucrative little nest egg.

Caleb also held on to some of the napkins, too, and every so often he finds one lying around
his house in Nashville.

"I mean, I open books and I have bar napkins from all over the world," he says.

"Some of the poems are not as great, and that will let you know how boozy that night was. But every now and then, there's a clear little picture that I'm painting - and you don't remember exactly when you wrote it, or how you wrote it, but it can definitely make you proud."

Check out their new album ‘Walls’


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