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Showing posts with label Brexit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brexit. Show all posts

Thursday 4 February 2021

Elton John Says That Musicians Lack Support Post-Brexit

The BBC reports that Sir Elton John has had "very positive" talks with Culture Secretary Oliver Dowden
about EU travel for UK musicians, but said visa-free touring is not currently "on the cards".

Last month, the star signed a letter demanding action to cut red tape and fees for musicians after Brexit.

The matter was "swept under the carpet" before the UK left the EU, he said.

He said it was now his "duty" to try to help improve the post-Brexit conditions for younger stars and crews.

Up-and-coming acts hoping to tour the continent when it is safe to do so will be "up against a brick wall" of fresh "bureaucracy", "paperwork" and added "finances", he said.

"It's much more difficult for young artists to get this together because of all the red tape," Sir Elton told BBC arts editor Will Gompertz. "Every country has these different rules, there's so much procedure to go through.

"People like myself are not really affected by it, we have a foundation of people who can look after it, it still has to be done but it's much easier," the 73-year-old continued.

"[But] we find ourselves in the situation because of Brexit, this has arisen. How do we fix this? How can we fix this?

"I want the situation to be resolved, so that young people don't have the difficulties of trying to tour in Europe, because it will affect their careers, it will stunt their growth and their creativity."