Blues Rock Mammoth Weekender - Sheffield UK - 10 and 11 of April 2021
If this is your sound, join the
friendliest Blues Rock community on the planet.
HRH Blues …
Blues Rock Mammoth Weekender - Sheffield UK - 10 and 11 of April 2021
If this is your sound, join the
friendliest Blues Rock community on the planet.
HRH Blues …
The 5th Annual Blackpool Rock & Roll Weekender is now confirmed for 2021. 3 Nights
Bumper Weekend @ The Savoy Hotel, Blackpool Friday 5th - Monday 8th November
2021, featuring 7 Live Bands including The Jets, Memphis Lee & The
Creepers, Glenn Darren & The Krew Katz, The Zodiacs, The Downtown Daddyo's,
Mark Keeley's Good Rockin' Tonight & The Mee Kats.
3 Nights Dinner Bed
& Breakfast, 7 Live Bands, Plus DJ Teddy Boy Ty, Clothes Stall from Razzle
Dazzle & Dance Tuition from Strictly Jitterbug.
Price is £239 per
person for the weekend. £50 per person deposit to book for the weekend.
Rooms available
Call Now on 01305
750797 to book or email