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Saturday, 11 October 2014

Troll folk Indie Folk Rock from Finland UK Tour June 2015

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TROLLFOLK - indie, folk-rock with attitude all the way from FINLAND! UK Tour 1 - 9 June 2015

maakuntajuhlat trollfolk kuva stefan de batselier


DEBUT UK TOUR // 1 - 9 JUNE 2015

Trollfolk® is an indie world folk rock band from Joensuu, Eastern Finland. In 2010, singer Usi Riikonen fulfilled a long awaited dream to sing in her native language, Swedish. She gathered the best musicians and created Trollfolk®. A Finnish band performing Finnish indie-folk-rock with Swedish lyrics is not only a traditional contradiction, but also a musical rebellion. Conflict and musical dynamics made for enough explosive force, and off they went in Spring 2010 to unleash their sound on Finnish audiences.

All members but the singer Usi Riikonen have Finnish as their native language. Most of the song’s lyrics are taken from traditional Swedish folk songs, and rearranged in Trollfolk’s own musical style. But Trollfolk® also writes and composes it's own material.

Trollfolk’s roots are in North Karelian folkmusic, but rock, pop, jazz and even punk are clearly present. Their sound is fresh due to their first-class musicianship and songwriting, and their kick-ass attitude. Trollfolk® redefines Folk rock one more time. This time, it comes from Eastern Karelia, but different than expected. Trollfolk® takes the heart of Finnish Folk music and puts it into Swedish folk rock. Something truly spectacular.


Trollfolk® made their first public appearance in November 2010 with great success. Right away, they went to the studio to record 3 of their songs, released in December 2010. Additional gigs followed, but the public wanted more! Trollfolk® has played many festivals and venues in Finland but will make a short trip to the UK in June 2015 for the first time. Plans for completing their record are currently in progress and their first ever UK Tour from 1st June - 9th June 2015.

Line up includes:

Katsi Kokkonen, Clarinet, Accordion, Flute 
Mammu Koskelo, Kantele, vocals and Guitar 
Lade Laakkonen, Bass 
Eve Pietarinen, Bouzuki and vocals 
Usi Riikonen, Lead vocal 
Riku Leiniäinen, Drums

For availability, bookings etc please contact:

00 44 (0) 7905 952 374



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